President - Greg Wilfrid
President-Elect- Stephen Buck
Regional Representatives
-Kristin Marchilena, RR-1
-Rebecca Dellinger, RR-2
Treasurer - Emily Hines
Secretary - Keira Brown
Past-President- Carol Forward
Webmaster- Carol Forward
Eastern Division Chapters
BAKE - Boston Area Kodály Educators
BAKE Website Philip Montgomery, President
KEEP - Kodály Educators of Eastern Pennsylvania
KEEP Website Amelia Reep, President
KOW - Kodály Organization of Westchester
KOW Website Karen Paulson, President
KONY - Kodály Organization of New York
KONY Website Kristen Burnette, President
MUSIK - Maryland United Specialists in Kodály
MUSIK Website Amy Hughes, President
MUSIK newsletter:
VOKE - Virginia Organization of Kodály Educators
VOKE Website Virginia Albertson, President